Miss Adventure Pants

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#64 – 5 Things Champions DON'T Do (That You Shouldn't Either)

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I always tell my athletes to treat themselves like Olympic athletes. But what the French Toast does that actually mean?

How do you act like an Olympian when you're a hobbyist athlete with no sponsors, a full-time job, and kids who are eating crayons behind your back?

The truth is that you will probably never have the luxury of training 40 hours a week like Simon Biles of John John Florence.

But do you know where you can be exactly like a champion? Your mindset. And between you and me, I think that's where all the magic happens in training.

So today, we'll look at 5 things champions DON'T do that you shouldn't either.

Ready? Let's do this.

Hat tip: Inspired by a post on the CTS blog by cycling coach Chris Carmichael.

Linked Resources

In this episode, you’ll learn …

  • What separates Olympic athletes from the rest of us. (Hint: It’s not the type of training.) How the Olympic athlete mindset is available to all of us, even beginners.

  • Why you should lean into weather-related discomfort. What we think the weather will be like on our mountaineering trips and what it will really be like. Tips for developing mental toughness about weather.

  • How we think elite athletes eat, and how they really eat. Why rigid diets tend to backfire for outdoor athletes. Tips for setting your own “minimum baseline” around nutrition.

  • The dangers of buying into social media hype. What to do when someone tries to sabotage or belittle your goals. The importance of believing in yourself.

  • How to have a strong athlete mindset when the odds of success are against you. What matters more than the summit. The benefits of chasing “impossible” goals.

  • The beauty of being fully present and engaged on every trip. Why you should never assume there will be a next time.