#63 – Mental Toughness for Mountaineers

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woman climbing a via ferrata route in the dolomites

Why do some people fail in endurance sports like mountaineering, backpacking, and ultrarunning?

Here's a secret.

It's usually not fitness.

And no, it's not because they ate Cheetos during training.

It's because they lack mental toughness.

Does that sound harsh? Hear me out.

By definition, endurance sports push you to your absolute limits. And often, your body can do the work before your mind is ready for that level of discomfort.

Sadly, this can lead you to quit when you're just about to succeed!

Friend, I don't want this to happen to you. So today, I'm going to teach you how to develop mental toughness in three simple steps.

Ready? Let's do this.

Linked Resources

In this episode, you’ll learn …

  • Why mental toughness is a key element of endurance training. How our ability to deal with discomfort can supercharge our motivation and performance. Ways to cultivate mental toughness as a newer athlete.

  • How to use your long run or hike to build mental toughness. The importance of making your hardest workout your top priority. Benefits of getting outside for your long workouts, even in nasty weather.

  • Using training hikes to build mental toughness. Tips on choosing trips that will prepare you for your specific goals. Examples to help you match your training hike to your goal climb.

  • Why pushing yourself physically in training is one of the best ways to build mental toughness, especially as a new athlete. Understanding the Fitness Always Wins principle. How to choose workouts that will toughen you up without totally overwhelming and demotivating you.