#61 – "Dirty" Fitness Motivation

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Are you frustrated with yourself in training?

Do you put down your body, calling it fat, old, or slow? Or do you constantly compare yourself to others and feel like you never measure up?

Friend, if this is landing for you, you might have a problem with what I call "dirty motivation."

It's the idea that you can nag, whip, or hate your way to fitness, weight loss, and other health goals.

And science shows that while negative motivation can get short term results, it usually sabotages your long-term success.

The good news is that now that you can clean up your motivation.

So today on the podcast, we're going to talk about positive motivation strategies that lifelong results.

Ready? Let's do this.

Linked Resources

In this episode, you’ll learn …

  • Why fitness motivation is an essential ingredient in endurance training, and why long-term motivation is a new and difficult skill for many of us.

  • The most common mistake athletes make when it comes to fitness motivation. Why so many training programs start strong and fizzle after a month or two.

  • What “dirty” fitness motivation sounds like in our minds. Unhelpful thoughts and beliefs that can sabotage our progress.

  • Using the think-feel-act cycle to change your behavior and get better results in training.

  • Clean fitness motivation examples. A thought ladder to help you achieve fitness motivation from positive emotion.

  • Does clean motivation work? What it takes to create a long and happy mountaineering career and overcome failures and setbacks.