#38 – Should Training Hurt?

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woman hiker climbing mountain with trekking poles

Are you hiking your ass off and still feeling slow and winded?

Do your lazy friends who hardly ever run blaze ahead of you up hills

If this sounds like your life, you may be tempted to write yourself off as a slow poke or wonder if you're getting old.

But consider that maybe all you need is a little more intensity in your workouts.

In today's episode I'll show you how a little discomfort in training can actually have big benefits.

And no, we're not talking about pushing until you throw up. I promise you, there's a sane way to do this!

Ready? Let's dive in.

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Episode Sneak Peek

  • [5:00] Why some people hike a lot and never get faster. The key energy systems we need to train to be faster. How HIIT workouts can help to slow age-related decline in fitness. Why aerobic base is still your No. 1 priority, even when working on speed.

  • [9:42] Why some people avoid high intensity workouts.

  • [13:17] Risks of high-intensity workouts. The importance of checking in with a doctor before ramping up your exercise program. Who is most at risk for a cardiac event during exercise. The importance of building a strong foundation before jumping into high intensity workouts.

  • [15:45] How to ramp up your workout intensity for experienced athletes. Why we go harder earlier with experienced athletes.

  • [18:25] An approach for beginners. Why it’s sometimes better to ease into your high intensity workout when you’re new to endurance training.

  • [21:46] How often to do high-intensity workouts.

  • [22:38] What should NOT hurt. Understanding repetitive stress injuries and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).