#36 - How to Think Your Way to Better Fitness. (I'm Serious.)

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man hiker meditating on a mountain summit

What if you could think your way to better fitness?

Sounds like a pipe dream, right?

But friends, I'm 100% convinced it's actually the key to your success in endurance training.

So many people are throwing down money left and right for coaches, training plans, programs, and all the things. But because their minds are a mess, they struggle or fail altogether.

So in this episode, I'm gonna blow your mind by walking you through a whole new paradigm for training where everything starts in your head.

This is life changing stuff, so don't touch that dial. Ready?

Let's do this.

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Episode Sneak Peek

  • [3:37] Sports psychology basics. Your biology is your biography. Why throwing money at coaches and training plans won’t solve your problems. The training season as a hero’s journey. What it really takes to change your body.

  • [7:07] Self doubt is part of leveling up. What happens when we set goals. Why so many people never change. What to do when you doubt yourself.

  • [9:15] Dealing with your survival brain. How human evolution works against adventurers. Why we still want to stay in the cave in 2021. How to break the fear cycle.

  • [13:27] Why obstacles shouldn’t be surprising. How entitlement sabotages our fitness and training. A healthier way to view setbacks and problems.

  • [17:01] What feelings really are and how they impact our health. How feelings relate to addictive behavior. The dangers of ignoring feelings. Some healthier ways to deal with feelings.

  • [21:34] Stop getting in your own way. Ways we sabotage ourselves. How to become more aware of your self-destructive patterns.