#62 – Training Cycles
Are you busting your butt in training only to see diminishing returns?
Are you pushing yourself harder, faster, and further every week even when it hurts?
Friend, if this lands for you, you need to learn about training cycles.
You see, in order to get stronger, our bodies need rest as well as exercise. And using endurance training cycles will ensure you get the right balance of pain and gain.
And in this episode, I'll explain how you can use training cycles to get more out of your season and also improve your quality of life!
Ready? Let's do this.
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In this episode, you’ll learn …
Useful ways to define training cycles and periodization training. Understanding the different kinds of training cycles (mesocycle, etc.).
Why increasing your workout difficulty every week is a mistake that leads to burnout and collapse. The importance of prioritizing rest as well as exercise during endurance training.
Anatomy of an endurance training cycle. Understanding cycle length, build, and “easy” weeks. When in your training season to start cycling.
How to use training cycles to give yourself time off for work and family commitments and vacations.
Adjusting the length of your training cycles. Why listening to your body and keeping a workout log matter.
The “8-day week concept,” and why it’s a game changer for athletes who need more recovery time.
Action steps! A blueprint to plan your next training cycle.