Miss Adventure Pants

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How to Stay Motivated to Work Out — No Matter What

Today, I want to talk to you about how stay motivated to work out ... no matter what life throws at you. (Holidays, work travel, rain, blizzards, burning heat, failure, family trouble, and so on.)

People who start a new exercise program actually attach an almost mythical importance to getting "motivated" to work out.

The same is true for any lifestyle change, from eating healthier to drinking less to meditating every day.

When I survey people in my community what holds them back most with their fitness, "lack of motivation" always comes up.

They say things like:

⭐ I can't get motivated to get off the ground.

⭐ I can't stay motivated to stick with it.

⭐ I'm really unmotivated.

⭐ How do I get more motivated?

Some people get really down on themselves because they don't feel "motivated," which I interpret as "always stoked and excited to exercise."

They say things like, "I must be lazy."

⭐Friend, here's the thing.⭐

The whole motivation-to-work-out thing? It's a myth.

It is OK if you are not stoked for every workout.

It would actually be kind of weird if you felt that way.

It's kind of like having a dog. You feed the dog every day because you are committed to the dog's health and happiness.

But you don't wake up every morning and think, Holy crap, I can't wait to feed the dog. Woot! Woot! That's going to be so epic. 🐕

In fact, sometimes when you are busy, feeding the dog is really damn inconvenient.

But you are doing it anyway, because you are committed to caring for your dog.

I want you to look at working out the same way you look at feeding the dog. You don't have to be motivated to do it.

You just have to be committed enough to do it on the schedule you have set for yourself.

And that starts with loving and committing to yourself the same way you commit to your pet. ❤️ 🐶

You have to be so committed that working out is never optional.

You have to be committed enough to get through all the resistance you will feel at the beginning when you are trying to form a new habit.

You have to be committed enough to find a creative solution when the weather sucks ...

Or when your cat gets diarrhea ...

Or when work sends you to Timbuktu. And then puts you in a hotel with a really bad gym.

There is some good news.

Once you have been working out for a few weeks or months, there will probably be days when you look forward to it.

But it will never be 100% of the time.

The idea of "motivation" is basically a lie. We tell ourselves we have to be "motivated" to do the thing.

But unless you are committed, all the rah-rah feel good stuff in the world won't help.

So work out when you don't feel like it, and the results will come. Simple as that!

New to working out? Here’s a roadmap to help you get started.

My FREE 4-week training plan is a great way to get moving every day with beginner cardio and strength workouts! Perfect for new hikers and anyone returning from a break. Fill out the form below and I’ll send it on over.

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So there you have it. My number one tip on how to stay motivated to work out, no matter what.

Need some help staying motivated? Jump in my outdoor adventure fitness Facebook Group for advice and support. We are a community of over 800 hikers, backpackers and mountaineers from around the world, and we'll totally have your back on those tough days!

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Originally published Nov. 22, 2019.